
БИОМЕДИС - лечение болезней с помощью биорезонансной терапии
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Аппараты БИОМЕДИС!

Вебинар ”НОВЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В МЕДИЦИНЕ” (06 ноября 2013 г. в 20-00 ч. моск. вр.)


Dear partners and clients! Thank you for your love and loyalty to BIOMEDIS brand.

We remind you than from June 1st there started the process of new prices formation for our products.

We understand that price question is very important for you. Although the economical after effects of coronavirus impacted our field. For a very long time we held the prices at the same level and did not allow the products deficit despite the increase in prime cost of assembling and lack of labour force, disturbance of delivery chains of the product components and logistics. Although, the prices leap for the components did not let us keep the prices at the same level. We did everything possible for the increase to be minimal.
The new prices formation has two stages. In total the prices will increase by 16%.

From June 1st the prices increased by 8%.

The products price for June:

TRINITY- 497$, 352 points
ACTIWAY - 270$, 178 points
ZENWAVE- 362$, 252 points
BRIS - 1145$, 567 points
BIOSKY - 106$, 76 points

From July 1st the prices will increase by another 8%.

The products prices for July:

TRINITY - 537$, 380 points
ACTIWAY - 292$, 192 points
ZENWAVE - 391$, 272 points
BRIS - 1236$, 613 points
BIOSKY - 114$, 82 points

For many years we have been developing the bio resonance devices and we are the choice of big amount of users around the world. Our moving forward is possible only due to your support. We hope that you will keep preferring BIOMEDIS products.

Stay healthy with BIOMEDIS!

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